New Patients
We are on your side from the get-go. Explore how we can help with treatment planning, financing, and more.
Online Patient Forms
Our team makes your dental visit convenient and simple.
To make your visit to our dental office more pleasant and streamlined, we invite you to complete our patient forms in advance.
- Care of your mouth following laser treatment
- Care of your mouth following oral surgery
- Chlorhexidene Gluconate
- Cracked Tooth Syndrome
- Flouride Varnish after care instructions
- Following Scaling Root Planing
- Information about Your New Complete Dentures
- Occlusal Splints for Temporomandibular Disorders TMD Bruxism or Clenching
- Pain Medications
- Physical Therapy for TMD
- Removable Partial Dentures
- Root Canal Therapy
- Temporary Crowns or Bridges
- Tooth Sealants
- Whitening Instructions
We make dental care more accessible and affordable with Alphaeon CreditThis link opens a new tab to the Alphaeon Credit website financing plus multiple payment options, including:
- Cash
- Checks
- Credit cards
- In-house savings plan
Please contact our team directly to find out if we accept your dental insurance coverage. Don’t have insurance? Then please ask about our in-office savings plan.
We have a dental savings plan for those without insurance.
The yearly membership includes:
Comprehensive Exam (initial visit for new patients)
Periodic Exam (2 per year)
Limited Oral Exam (1 per year for a specific issue)
Full Set X-Rays or Panorex
Periapical X-Rays
Bitewing Images
The yearly membership includes:
Child or Adult Prophylaxis Cleaning (2 per year)
Fluoride Treatment (2 per year; no age limit)
Fluoride Treatment (2 per year; no age limit)
Additional Cleanings (15% discount)
Sealants (50% discount)
The yearly membership includes:
Periodontal Maintenance Cleaning (3 per year)
Fluoride Treatment (3 per year)
Scaling and Root Planing (20% discount)
All other procedure benefits include:
Custom Whitening Trays and Gel (20% discount)
Fillings and Core Build-Ups (15% discount)
Crowns (15% discount)
Veneers (15% discount)
Periodontics (15% discount)
Dentures and Partials (15% discount)
Oral Surgery (15% discount)
Root Canals (15% discount)
Implants (15% discount)
Nitrous (15% discount)
Invisalign Ortho (10% discount)